Letter of St. John of the CROSS

La Peñuela

September 20 1591

My dear friend and reader, may Jesus be in your soul: In the next days I must leave for Ubeda for treatment of my current illness which seems to be a slight bout of fever. I shall miss this holy solitude of the desert of La Peñuela. But, to be honest, I feel close to my end and feel that God is now calling me to the union I have always sought. I am just 49 years old and have given myself to the reform for over 23 years. I have had a full life. This may well be the last time I will have chance to write to you.

I have not forgotten you in these days since you expressed interest in me sharing with you the values and vision that have guided my life, in the hope that you too will build your spiritual life on these same values. In these sessions together I have told you what is for your benefit, and now you need to put it into practice, silently and carefully and in humility and charity and self-sacrifice. We do not need to talk much more, for God desires that you rejoice in divine love more than in anything or anyone else. God hears the appeals of your silent language of love. The spiritual journey you undertake will at times be filled with grief, afflictions, and loneliness, but these are comparable to God’s knocks and rappings at the door of your soul that it might love more. Do not be attached to anything, for you need nothing except God’s love which is never lacking to you. O great God of love, and Lord! How many riches do you place in the person who neither loves nor is satisfied save in you alone, for you give yourself to that person and become one through love.

My dear friend and reader, how much I have treasured our time together pursuing the love of God. In the sessions I have set aside to share with you I have presented something of my own life so you may understand where I am coming from. I spoke to you about my deep interest in spiritual guidance and its importance for you. I have outlined the challenges of the spiritual journey and preparations you can make in order to contribute to God’s grace-filled actions within you. I have mentioned some of the major moments you will face and decisions you will need to take and some important necessary attitudes you will need to develop. Finally, I suggested that you keep your eye on the goal, celebrate God’s interventions in your life, and rejoice in the thrill of being immersed in the love of God.

I am happy God has given you the holy desire to occupy your will in God alone by loving God above all things, and in which you asked for some counsels to help you do this. In our sessions I have suggested how you can leave aside all other loves and focus on the love of God alone and all else integrated in this love. This will primarily be God’s work in you, but it will demand effort on your part. God does not want sluggish or cowardly souls, nor still less those who only love themselves. At times you will have to walk in darkness, emptiness, and spiritual poverty, even feeling that God is failing you. This will never be so; you can always rejoice and trust in God, providing you desire no other path than the one God sets out for you. Then endeavor to keep yourself united to God, forgetful of all that is not God, and happy in God alone. Cast your care on God, for God watches over you and will not forget you. For your part, remember that God ordains all for your good, and strive each day where there is no love to put love, and you will draw out love.

Read, pray, and rejoice in God who is your good and your salvation. May his majesty make you as spiritual and holy as I desire you to be. May God be always in your soul. Amen.

– Fray Juan de la Cruz

This letter is a composite of advice John of the Cross gave to his directees that can be found in the collection of his authentic letters.

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